
Order Tara's Bicycle Touring Cookbook Today!

Working in Cremona

by Tyler

After sneaking out of our trusty canopy-tree-free-camp this morning we headed to Chocolat Café so I could get some work done.

With nearly a week off things were really starting to pile up. Most of my day was spent like this:

Tyler Working in CremonaTyler Working in Cremona

These helped:

Cremona CappuccinoCremona Cappuccino

Tara spent some time around town taking in the sights:

Tomorrow we head for Reggio Emilia, home of parmesan cheese!

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Reggio Emilia is also home to one of the most incredible early childhood educational philosophies!!!

Very cool stuff. By the way, I am now planning a bike trip around the world. But on a tandem!
Posted by Katy on September 12th, 2009 at 6:34 PM
Katy, that is AWESOME! We're so excited for you and Ben!

Tyler and I have met a lot of people doing short tours on tandems during our trip. We've talked about getting one for casual touring when we return but I don't think we'd want to do a world tour on one.

Here are a few things to consider as you're planning and researching:

1. Most all tandems have a lot less storage potential compared to two bicycles.

2. People seem to solve problem #1 by putting trailers on their tandems, making an already long bicycle REALLY long.

3. If for any reason you need to take alternative transport (train, plane, bus etc) during your trip a tandem is lot more difficult than two bicycles to board with (a trailer makes this even worse).

4. If something fails in the middle of nowhere you don't have a second bike to get help.

All of that said, there will always be naysayers who try to make it seem impossible to do what you want to do. No matter how you decide to do your tour we hope it goes splendidly! Stay in touch, we'd love to hear more :)
Posted by Tara on September 18th, 2009 at 6:02 PM