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Land Hunting, Part Seven: Backing Out

by Going Slowly

In 1998, twelve test pits were dug on the Maple Hill Road property. Results indicated that the soil was definitely unsuitable for a relatively inexpensive leach field system. If we were able to get permitting at all, it would be for a mound-based design, which could cost anywhere from $8,000-$25,000 to construct!

Last week, we got bad news from our engineer. He visited the land and discovered that the current owners roughed in a gravel road and installed a well without consulting the soil investigation documentation. Their work completely plowed over several of the viable test pits, and changed the topography of the land such that the entire process will have to begin anew.

He isn't confident that permitting will be obtainable at all, the failure of which would render the land effectively useless for our purposes. It looks like our hunt for home isn't over yet. We've backed out of our contract and asked the sellers to pursue permitting on their own (and we've assured them that we'd buy the land in a heartbeat if we knew we could build on it).



That's too bad guys! I'm sure the right one will come along shortly!
Posted by Magalie on October 18th, 2011 at 2:05 PM
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this! :-(

That being said, I think you're making a logical decision. I just wish it could be a different outcome.

Still hoping we'll be neighbors in the future! (Let us know if you're in VT again to look at land and we'll let you know of people you might be able to stay with while passing through).
Posted by Sheila Poettgen on October 20th, 2011 at 12:53 AM
catching up on old rss feeds, dang sorry to hear this. Best of luck searching and hopefully as I read the newer posts you will have already found one
Posted by Dustin on November 14th, 2011 at 11:05 PM