I believe when you’re stuck in one spot for too long it’s best to throw a grenade where you stand, and jump...
After much deliberation about finances and scheduling, after much checking of the (still winter) weather forecast in Vermont, and after much enthusiastic encouragement from our families and Pete and Natasha, we decided to stay in Roatan for another month. It was with a mixture of equal parts gut-churn and elation that we rearranged our schedules, stopped our mail, informed our bemused but supportive neighbors and co-workers, and changed our flights. YEEEHAW!
What finally convinced us to stay was visiting Coco Lobo, a hotel our dive instructor Ellie recommended we book for the month.

Within a few seconds of walking into the common area, our mouths spread wide into large grins. We were both reminded of Shanti Lodge, where we lived as reclusive writers for two months after our bicycle adventure.
With fuchsia bougainvillea festooning the entrance, a pair of adorable resident cats lazing about in the sun, a jungly garden, orchids growing like crazy, and a swimming pool overlooking the sea, we found ourselves very much at home. When the manager Krys offered us a great deal for a month-long stay in a charming bungalow, we were sold.
Our month in Roatan won't be a vacation like the past two weeks have been: Tyler will be back on the job at Bocoup, and I'll be delving into recipe-writing for my next cookbook and a bit of workshop planning, too. I cannot think of a better office! We'll be here in the sunshine, and we'll have an amazing view of the Caribbean sea. We'll get to take swimming breaks, and we'll go scuba diving at the end of each day!
I am thrilled about our decision to stay for so many reasons. I know it's the right thing to do. I know it will be healing for us to be away from the homestead for awhile longer. And as silly as it sounds, I almost don't even care what our month is like—I'm just glad we said yes. I'm just glad that some of our traits of which I am most proud (our spontaneity, love of new adventures, and willingness to take big leaps) haven't been totally beaten out of us by our homesteading project and the increasing demands of age and adulthood.
Hell yeah! We've still got it.
Oh my god. You are both my heroes. YOU STAYED!! You really know how life works. I'm grinning a whole bunch right now.
Our friend Radha, upon hearing that we decided to stay