We are David and Andrée, a French-Canadian couple from Québec City, and longtime readers of Going Slowly. Passionate readers should we say! In fact, we both read Tara and Tyler's story "from cover to cover", and still follow it with assiduity, like so many others do.
One day (hopefully in four years, when our kids will fly by themselves), we really wish to have the time to ride our bikes for a 6-month to a year trip (...at first. After that, who knows?) Reading Going Slowly has been a great way to boost in our soon-to-be bicycle adventure.

In the last months, thanks to a very long winter back here in Québec, David was getting up to date with the first half of Tyler and Tara's journey, and made some comments on the blog. As they always do it so nicely, they answered each time in a way that a good friend would. David started thinking about one day meeting them since their home in Vermont is so near our province.
Then, when Tara invited us to camp on their land and have lunch in their camper, David jumped on the invitation—maybe she didn't expect us to walk the talk, but we did! We don't even want to know what Tyler said at first when Tara told him about having invited two crazy french-speaking visitors... (Tyler's Note: I thought it sounded like a great idea!)
This past weekend, we headed down to Tara and Tyler's corner of Vermont to finally meet them. To say that we were pretty nervous when we arrived in front of the driveway is an understatement! Seeing the mailbox with the number on it was like arriving on the set of a TV series that we knew all the details of and knew the history behind: THE driveway, THE camper, THE well pump, THE pond...

AND THE...Tara & Tyler!
We were so thrilled to have the chance to camp on their very own land. We were also happy to have the chance to give back to them, to show our gratitude for all the writing they did while traveling and still do so passionately about their new life of landowners. To thank them, we took them out to supper at their favorite restaurant in Bennington.

(Tara's Note: ...and gave us wine, beer, homemade bread, homemade jam, and marshmallows to roast!)
When we got back, Tyler made a bonfire and we talked under a perfectly clear, starry sky. It was a real privilege to be there, only the four of us, chatting about life. In fact, each minute we spent with them was the best gift they could have given us.
On Saturday morning, we shared breakfast with Tara and Tyler, and sat on big logs around the fire pit. We knew they had a lot of projects in progress and wanted to help them with anything they'd need. So, we talked about how to make good use of our workforce, and eventually decided to clear a part of the woods along the driveway where big trees had fallen last winter.

Tyler worked with the chainsaw while the three of us brought the logs in a big trailer lent by their friend, Rick.
We were really impressed to see how the Going Slowly team is hard at work, and how they always try to do the most with the time they have. Going slowly...but steadily! We also liked the way they deal with new challenges and always want to learn more skills, in order to work their way by themselves. We can safely say we consider them as role models in many aspects of our life.
Tyler and Tara, thank you again for your warm welcome. We really wish to one day see you around our corner of the planet to give you a little bit more. Your writing has more influence on the lives of your readers than you could imagine. Wishing you the best for all your projects and we look forward following you, one day, on another 'Bicycle touring around the world' episode! From the very beginning, this time! ;-)