This past February, Tyler and I received a message from a woman named Tambra who had found us via our friend Jenna's blog. She and her husband Dan live in the DC area, but visit their property in Sandgate, Vermont every chance they get. We've kept in touch for the past few months, looking forward to our eventual meeting. The pair happen to be in town right now, and they invited us us over for supper along with our friends Rick and Greer (who we met because Tambra sent them our website!)
So, after a long day of work on our foundations, Tyler and I did our best to get clean and presentable, then drove to Sandgate, arriving at Dan and Tambra's slice of heaven: 80 wooded acres bordering a beautiful babbling brook. After quick introductions, Dan took us gallivanting through the woods, up hills and over puddles, on four-wheelers, showing us the work they've been doing with various conservation societies.
Following the tour, we rode back to the house for supper. By this time, Rick and Greer had arrived, and we all got lost in conversation and drinks, before sitting down to a hearty meal. First we feasted on a delicious salad Greer brought (with veggies from Clear Brook, dressed with her signature maple vinaigrette!), and then we tucked into a big pot of spaghetti marinara served with Dan's famous homemade sausage and meatballs.
(Apparently, Dan makes over a hundred pounds a month to sell to folks at work. When he and Tambra move up to Vermont full-time, it's his dream to start his own official business selling homemade sausage.)
For dessert, I brought out my homemade four-layer carrot cake, studded with walnuts, raisins, and pineapple, frosted with cream cheese icing. I had baked it earlier in the day in our camper's oven, and it was a huge hit.

After a long and delicious dinner with delightful company, it was time to part ways. Dan sent us all home with enough sausage to fill our freezer (thank you so much!), and Tambra sent us off with hugs and promises to come visit our land. Thanks for having us, you two—we can't wait until next time!