When Tyler and I first began dating and planning our big bike tour together, we bought two books: Lonely Planet's Southeast Asia on a Shoestring (which was a bit premature, and thus we never used it) and the bible of all bike touring books, The Adventure Cycle Touring Handbook. Reading the latter was one of the tipping points for me—it helped me believe I could actually do the crazy trip we'd been telling our families we were going to embark on.

I am thrilled to announce that Neil and Harriet over at Pikes on Bikes have worked tirelessly to revamp and update Stephen Lorde's classic book for its third edition. It is now hot off the press and ready to inspire many a bike tour. I am even happier to announce that my cookbook is mentioned in it, and one of my favorite camp recipes is spotlighted, too! I am honored to be a part of such a fabulously practical and inspirational cornerstone of the bike touring community.