Eventually, we plan to have a living roof on our workshop. For now, we just need the thing to be water-tight. I put roofing felt on it over a year ago, but it's starting to fall apart. This year, we're going to put ice and water shield on the first few feet, then cover the entire thing in a durable synthetic roofing paper that will hold up until we can afford to finish the rest.
In preparation for that effort, Tara and I finally trimmed the rafters and decking to their final dimensions. First, I cut away the tar paper around the perimeter. Then, we eyeballed for straight (nothing in this building works as a reference point, since nothing is square), snapped some chalk lines, and went for it with a circular saw.
Finally, the peak of the roof needed to be closed. It's hard to believe I was last puzzling about what to do up here two years ago! Since the whole roof is intentionally crowned, the gap at the top varies anywhere from 2" to about 6". This sort of wood-working feels way above my pay grade.

In the end, I laid the last piece of decking in place, traced the wonky overlap, cut it to match as best I could, and then spent a lot of time with a belt sander cleaning everything up. It's pretty crude, but it'll do the job.

With time running out before our strawbale workshop, we hired Arlington Roofing to put down the underlayment so we could stay focused on the rest of the prep work. They were in and out in less than five hours. It was kind of incredible to see something get done without having to be personally responsible for every part of it. Money well spent!
Wahoo! We're water-tight!