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Mole Face Morning

by Tyler

Ever since last week's freak out, we've been getting up even earlier than usual. This lets me spend more time on the house with Tara before I have to go to work, which makes her feel more supported and less like our house-building project is never going to end.

Dragging ourselves out of bed at 6AM is hard. We both aspire to be morning people, but we just aren't there yet. It would probably help if we ever went to bed before midnight…

Anyway, here is Tara this morning, half awake, making what I lovingly refer to as "mole face", (a.k.a, emerging from a dark tunnel into blinding light). I picked this up from Tara's mom Lisa, who sometimes says that about Tara's dad Mark in the morning. So adorable <3.

Sleepy Construction Tara

Here's a pretty accurate depiction of us stumbling around the camper trying to get started each morning:

Well, we'd better get to it…
