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A Springtime Trip to Illinois

by Tara

The day after our SIP roof was installed, we hurriedly packed the car for a Memorial Day weekend trip to Illinois. I drove the entire way—15 hours with only bathroom, food, and gas breaks; Tyler worked non-stop for at least 12 of those hours, programming. I could pretend to complain about this, but in truth, I am ridiculously proud of this achievement. Who drove halfway across the country by herself in one sitting? This gal!

It was wonderful to hang out with my family and Illinois friends. We even got to see my brother Lian, and his girlfriend, Steph, who flew in from California! It truly felt like a vacation. There was more chillin' and grillin' and laughter, and less fretting about straw bales and windows and roofs.

Grandma Jeanne Lian & Grandma Jeanne Lian & Steph Chillin' and Grilling Grandpa Don, Lian & Dad (Mark) - Three Generations Grandma & Grandpa Cohen Tyler Hanging Around Julia

Instead of coordinating with a sawmill or lumberyard, we enjoyed ice cream:

Custard Cup Custard Cup Custard Cup Steph @ Custard Cup Lian @ Custard Cup Tara & Steph @ Custard Cup Steph & Lian @ Custard Cup

Instead of putting bales in our walls, we went to see our friend Dan's band, The Shenanigans. They were freaking amazing.

The Shenanigans Live @ The Curve Inn The Shenanigans Live @ The Curve Inn The Shenanigans Live @ The Curve Inn

Instead of installing windows, we celebrated my grandpa's retirement after nearly 40 years of tutoring as "The Math Man." We're so proud of you, grandpa!

Calculus By & For Young People The Math Program Sign Metal Cabinet in the Math Room Grandpa Cohen (The Math Man) in His Basement Classroom

And finally, instead of jacking around with tarps, we attended a very special wedding—the real reason we all descended upon the midwest at the same time...
