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Building the Solar Shed, Part Four: Shingles & Trim

by Tyler

This week, we've been working on adding trim and fascia boards to the solar shed. We also started shingling the roof! As per usual, each time we start a new building task that neither of us has done before, Charlie drops by to give us a brief lesson (thanks Charlie!). For shingling, Tara took the role of measuring and cutting, while I ran around on the roof, nailing everything into place.

Tyler Hammering Trim on Solar Shed Tara Hammering First Shingle on Solar Shed, With Charlie Shingles on Solar Shed Roof Shingling Solar Shed Roof

Asphalt shingles are really easy to install—we finished half the roof in just a few hours. We originally planned to use slate, but later realized that this would be a waste, as it would eventually be completely covered with solar panels. As a result, we've decided to save our beautiful reclaimed slate for another structure. Later this week, I'll be ordering the first components for our solar array!

Tyler Affixing Shingles to Solar Shed Roof