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Earthen Oven Pizza Party

by Tara

Though we still haven't finished our oven (it needs an insulative outer layer and a protective coat of lime plaster), that hasn't stopped us from using it. Tonight, we invited some friends over for a pizza party! I made the dough and assembled some toppings, while our friends Alex, Megan, and their two kids, Adrian and Brynn, brought along some toppings of their own. Being outside, assembling pizzas with friends, eating delicious food, and enjoying the smell of woodsmoke... I can't think of a better way to spend a fall evening.

Earthen Oven Firing Making Pizza Brynn Rolling Pizza Dough Adrian Making Pizzas Tara (by Brynn or Adrian) Tyler (by Brynn or Adrian) Megan (by Brynn or Adrian) Brynn Alex, Adrian, and Tyler by the Earthen Oven Brynn & Adrian by the Earthen Oven Earthen Oven with Door Brynn & Adrian Goofing Around Brynn Eating Pizza