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Too Windy

by Tara

We left our hotel bright and early hoping to pick up our wheels from the nearby post office during their brief Saturday morning opening. When we arrived they informed us that our wheels had been sent to the Post Office in Remla a couple of days ago. Why they kept the wheels in Sfax for so long and what prompted them to finally send the boxes, we have no idea. We've learned its best not to ask why. Instead, we hurriedly took a cab to the ferry port, hoping to catch the 10:30 boat to Sidi Youssef, Kerkennah.

To our surprise, the waiting room was swamped with people while the ticket booth was very clearly closed for business. Apparently, the 8:30AM boat hadn't sailed because there was too much wind, and the verdict was still out on the 10:30 ferry. We didn't even know this could happen!

It was beautiful and sunny with blue skies and the wind didn't seem that bad. Apparently the seas were pretty rough though, because our 10:30 sailing got canceled. We waited for a while along with everyone else before deciding to head over to Cafe Jazz during the few hours until the next boat was scheduled to depart.

At Cafe Jazz, we had a very funny encounter: we were sitting at one of the tables, typing away on our laptops, when a young Tunisian woman came over and asked us in French if we were the couple from Going Slowly! We both laughed, completely baffled, when the girl informed us that her mom had given her our card, and that she looked at the photos on our site frequently.

The mystery was quickly solved when she told us who her mother was: none other than the kind Madame Fehri who we met at the Kerkennah museum!

Musee Du Patrimoine

Other than this fun experience, our day was uneventful. The ferry never did sail, so we wandered back to Hotel de la Paix for another night. Hopefully the wind will die down tomorrow.

Unfortunately, the Tunisian post, like the USPS, is closed on Sundays. We wish they would've delivered our packages to the address printed on them, but instead they're holding our wheels at the office so we'll have to wait until Monday to pick them up. Oh well, it will be nice to spend a day on the islands before we hit the road!
