Shortly after exiting the TGM station called "Tunis Marine", we walk by these flower markets on our way to the center of town.

Our first major landmark is the Place du 7 Novembre, with its large clock-tower in the middle and a fountain just behind it.

Walking northeast towards the Medina, the Bab el Bahr (formerly called the Port de France) is the gateway to the old city.

Once inside the Medina, it literally feels like a maze. Only a sliver of sky is visible between the tall, cramped buildings, making it nearly impossible to figure out where you are based on any sort of landmarks. We've found the best tactic to be wandering around and then making it "out" when we are done. Once we're back in regular Tunis, it is easy to re-orient ourselves and then either walk back to the train station or hop in a cab.
Inside the old walled city, Tara decided to try on some sunglasses while the salesman behind her was grooving to loud, fast-paced, Arabic dance music.
There seems to be an area of the Medina geared towards excited future brides and everything she must have for her big day—henna, candied nuts, perfumes, and frilly basket-sets. Tara bought a tiny vial of vanilla perfume from the only female salesperson we saw in the entire place.

Most of the Medina has small shops selling the same trinkets, but this shop was much larger and fancier, and probably a good deal more expensive. We're not sure if the normal amount of haggling would be appropriate here or not.

Tara loved the colors of these lanterns.

Eventually we made it out of the markets of the Medina and found ourselves in the more residential areas. We loved this stunningly vibrant blue door:
…and this yellow one.
In this residential neighborhood we saw a puppy curled up in a perfect spiral in the sun. A little girl walked by and giggled as Tyler took this picture.
One of the hundreds of stray kitties let Tyler pick it up. Stray cats are everywhere here!
More Medina wandering…
When we made it to the great mosque we sat on the steps for a nice rest and watched men coming and going while listening to the haunting, mesmerizing chants coming from within.
Tomorrow we're off to see Sidi Bou Said!