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Around the World in 80 Days

by Tara

Icannot believe our trip is only 80 days away. Sometimes I think about this whole process as being similar to pushing a boulder (not sure why you'd need to push a rock, but whatever…) It felt for awhile like we were pushing the boulder very slowly—time seemed to barely creep along while we were doing all of the grunt-work, research, logistics, etc. And now, we've reached the top of the hill, past the tipping point, and our rock is rolling faster and faster as it hurdles down, about to fly off the edge of a cliff and into the unknown.

I have thoughts like, "I will only have to fill up this gas tank 8 more times before we leave."

April 1st of 2009 was just a date in the far-distant future, and now I am amazed at how soon we leave and how quickly the time has passed. We leave in 80 days. Just 80. Everyday as I am going about my routine, I have thoughts like, "I will only have to fill up this gas tank 8 more times before we leave," or "we'll be gone before all of this snow is melted" and it reminds me just how little time we have left. Time is going to fly by so quickly! Though I am going to miss my friends and family terribly, I cannot wait to leave on our first of many adventures of a lifetime.
