We had a look at our website traffic yesterday and were completely blown away by what we saw. In the last 30 days we've had over 15,000 hits from more than 50 countries, all coming to a website written on two tiny little laptops in a tent!
Keeping up on our journals has been, at times, a task almost as monumental as riding our bicycles around the world. What helps us continue to write through the rough patches is one half dogged determination and one half living up to the the kind words we've received via our contact page, encouraging us to continue.
If you're reading this now, we have a small request to make if you're willing. At the bottom of this post there is a link entitled "Post a Comment". Could you please click it and tell us who you are, where you are from, how you found us, and anything else you think we should know?
(If you don't have a Google or OpenID account just tick the little circle next to 'Name/URL' and post away. You can leave the URL blank if you like.)
We both think it would be really remarkable to have a snapshot of all the people who've followed along with us. That way when we're old and we look back on our adventure we can remember those of you who were right there with us in spirit too!
- Tyler & Tara

Even if you're reading this in 2020, we'd still love to hear that you passed through. You're probably on a hover bicycle by now, right?