This August, join us with master timber framer Peter Henrikson to hand-craft and raise a one-of-a-kind Norwegian Grindbygg workshop in Arlington, Vermont. This unique style of roundwood construction is the oldest known building technique in Norway. Archeological evidence suggests it was in common use during the Viking age—over a thousand years ago (790-1066 AD)!
Course Details
Where: Going Slowly HQ in Arlington, Vermont
When: August 12th - 16th, 2013
Cost: $300 per person
Openings: SOLD OUT
Lodging: Stay in one of many nearby motels, or bring your tent and camp in our woods.
How to Register: Please fill out our questionnaire and email it to

The course starts on a Monday, but we'd like people to arrive and visit on Sunday—that way we don't have any folks lost or missing on the first morning. If you are thinking of camping, please be aware that it's rustic. We have a hand-pumped well, solar showers, and there will be a few Porta Potties on-site. Electricity is currently limited to a small generator.
What will the days be like?
There will be instruction on Grindbygg framing each morning, followed by a lot of hands-on work from 9AM to 5PM, with an hour long lunch break somewhere in the middle. Food is not included in the tuition fee, but there is a fantastic farm stand about 3 miles from our land, a burger joint not far away, and a takeout place that actually delivers to us!
About Grindbygg Timber Framing
The basic form of a Grindbygg frame is similar to many European and American timber frames: posts held together by tie beams, then topped with wall plates supporting common rafters. Yet there are no mortises or tenons in this style. Instead, the tie beams sit in a slot cut into the top of the posts—a necked tying joint. Wall plates rest on the tie beam, and against the top of the posts. All bracing is cut into the side of the timbers, then pegged.

While many modern Grindbygg frames use sawn timbers, the basic design and scribe layout makes the incorporation of round and/or curved members a fairly simple task. We will be working with green wood, freshly felled from the area surrounding the worksite. Traditional frames were cut primarily with an axe, chisel, drill and handsaw. Due to the short duration of our class, we will use modern power tools as well.

If you are using Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox, you can fly through a 3D rendering of the workshop (as designed by Peter) below.
SketchUp Web-Viewer
This is highly experimental. Please allow some time for loading. Does not work on iPads (yet).
Mouse: Look up/down/left/right
Left Click: Fly forward
Right Click: Fly backward