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Slating Roofing Begins

by Tyler

Our slate roof is the last major project between us and a completely finished cottage. We've been trying and failing to schedule a day-long crash-course in slating with a local roofer for weeks. This weekend, with a sunny forecast before us and still no word from the roofer, we decided to throw caution to the wind and jump in. As soon as we did, I realized how silly all of our hand-wringing and waiting had been.

We have all the tools, books, resources, and documentation we need to understand what to do. Literally the only thing standing between us and a completed roof has been summoning the wherewithal to start. As expected, the first part was the hardest. We had to start over multiple times (and remove a fair few slate) until we understood how get the first few courses laid correctly, but we got there.

Punching Hole in Starter Slate Tara & Starter Slate Tyler Affixing Starter Slate to Strawbale Cottage Roof Tyler Affixing Starter Slate to Strawbale Cottage Roof Tyler Affixing First Course of Slate to Strawbale Cottage Roof

This roof is going to be a work of art! I'm so glad we're underway :)

Tyler Installing Slate on Strawbale Cottage Roof Roof Jack (Incorrectly) Installed