I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.
Mark Twain
Each evening during sunset, when Tyler and I swig piña coladas on the porch with Pete and Natasha, our conversation often turns to the exciting topic of an adventure they've been planning: a meandering journey more-or-less along the Pan-American Highway by truck-camper. Tonight we learned that they've run into lots of nay-sayers, many informing them that they'll surely die if they travel through Central and South America. Of course, they know not to take these hand-wringers too seriously, but occasionally Natasha would have a moment of doubt and she'd react by telling Pete, "I need to talk to T&T! They'll tell us we'll be fine."
Of course we would.

Shortly after sharing this story, Natasha said something to the effect of: "But it's nice to know that if all hell does break loose, and our truck camper gets stolen or something horrible happens, we can call T&T and they'll come help us." THIS MADE. MY. DAY. It's good to know we're the friends you'd call when you're stuck in Panama City, who'd say, "Sure! Give us an hour to pack the car, then we'll be right down."