We've just pulled into the driveway after a day of helping Jenna build her pigpen. As the wheels of our truck crunch up the stone driveway, we can hear our woods buzzing with summer crickets and evening birds. It's good to be home. Halfway up the drive, Tyler stops near the turn-off for the workshop, lingering for a moment to admire our handiwork.
"Let's go" I begin. "...walk on the slab!", Tyler interjects, finishing my sentence. Exactly what I was thinking. So, we jump out of the truck and walk over, hand in hand. Once we reach the site, we kick off our sandals, and run barefoot across the warm concrete.

Unlike our cottage, which will have wood flooring, what we're standing on here is the actual floor of our future pottery studio/wood shop/workshop/forge! For all the trials and tribulations we've gone through getting this far, it's already worth it.