Somehow, some way, no matter how ho-hum the scenery or the day, there is always something interesting to see, no matter what. Maybe we are easily fascinated, or maybe we just know how to look, but it seems we have a knack for stumbling across intriguing things.
This morning, Tara started us off with a batch of "eggs in a basket" and then we packed up and headed out n' about for another poky day of adventuring.

Tara's note: The eggs-in-a-basket (or "hole-in-one") idea was courtesy of Liz over at Rollin' Round the World. She and her husband, Patrick, leave on their own world tour in a couple years! Great idea, Liz!
Very shortly after leaving camp, we passed this veritable graveyard of road signs. We received odd looks from a shifty guy walking around nearby as we took turns exploring the area with our faces smashed into a viewfinder.
A little further down the road I was struck by the sight of this giant old tree, standing majestically in a field of yellow flowers. I snapped a photo and then Tara held my bike while I went to wander around it.

This meta documenting of the documenting of our trip will end soon, as we've decided two SLRs is perhaps one SLR too many and we'll probably be sending the D60 home. But until then, here are a couple more photos of photo-taking:
Back on the road, Tara spotted, off in the distance, my favorite thing: rusty metal! I immediately called us to a halt so we could we could have a photo session of this magnificent burned up, abandoned train just covered in rust! If it isn't obvious already, we're both completely falling in love with photography.
As we looked around, I wondered why the train was here. Clearly there had been a fire, but beyond that there wasn't much in the way of clues.
While my attention was still held by the beauty of rusty metal, Tara wandered off to take photos of flowers.
Here is Tara using our D60 to photograph a poppy. Sadly, none of our new lenses can fill the gigantic frame of our D700 with a small object like a flower. She likes to get "all up in it's grill" and the kit lens on our D60 does just that. Thankfully, I've just learned this "problem" can easily be corrected with a $30 adapter that would let us mount one of our lenses backwards. I'm 99% sure we can find one in Thessaloniki.

Here is Tara's flower (and teeny grasshopper) with the D60:

…and here it is with our D700. Still nice, but doesn't really capture the essence of it. Cropping could do the trick, but the details aren't quite there.

After a pleasant ride we found a rare free-camp with electricity. I set everything up while Tara made spaghetti. When dinner was complete, we enjoyed it over a few episodes of Star Trek, happy to have the spare power to do so. It feels so good to be on the road again. Even better: we have spring and summer ahead of us!