It was raining when we woke up this morning. We are only about a day's ride from Plymouth and ahead of "schedule" so we decided to take the day off. Yesterday was particularly difficult for me for some reason; it was good to give my aching muscles a rest. We read all morning and lazed about eating cereal (we've both become a bit obsessed with cereal lately) and oranges. It was blissful listening to the rain from the safety of our tent.
Early in the afternoon we had some loud, curious children put their faces against our tent, and one of them even started unzipping our little door and stuck his face through. When we scolded them and told them to bugger off (don't their parents teach them to mind their own business?), they screamed at the top of their lungs and ran away. I'm sure they were just curious but I felt slightly violated. This tiny, semi-transparent bit of space is our only privacy from the rest of the world! They felt more like a pack of home-invaders than rambuncious youngsters.
Our leisurely morning was wonderful (despite the "home-invasion"), but of course by 2:00 we were both bored and felt a cooped-up. We decided shake our cabin fever by going for a walk in search of an internet connection for Tyler to get some work done. Unable to find any connections, I convinced Tyler to pay the three pounds for two hours of internet provided by the holiday park. We hung out in the campsite restaurant, Tyler working while I read The Two Towers. The timing was perfect—he finished his work (and the two hours) just as I finished my book.
Before we left I had just enough time to check my email and watch a video that my parents had filmed for us and had posted online. Our dear friends, Kathy & Marcelo, had serenaded us with a Cat Stevens song while my dad filmed and my mom cooked in the kitchen. This little glimpse of the people most dear to me and the cozy home life we left behind definitely made me cry, and Tyler was teary as well. Thanks guys! We love you so much!
We left the restaurant, happy and grateful to have such awesome families, and made our way to the campsite store. Chicken was on sale, so we bought two packages and walked back to our little home to prepare dinner. Tyler cut up the chicken for me (I'm a little put off with raw meat at the moment, last night's adventure with the wild rabbit was more than enough for awhile) and I prepared sweet & spicy Asian chicken.
With the dishes clean, the tent tidied and our route planned for tomorrow we're cozied up, ready for an evening of watching "House." We could go to BINGO night, watch the football match on Sky Sports, or go do karaoke at the bar, but we're finding more and more how much we like to be "at home" in our little tent.
Here is a photo of a sign we saw at camp. Someone lost their crab! :(