It's one of those rare weekends during which nothing has to be accomplished. We're far away from our thousand-headed hydra of a homestead, in Illinois with our dear friends, the Hartmans. The springtime sun shines with warmth, prompting flowers to blossom and birds to chirp. It's a relaxing, languorous weekend, structured around nap times (for children and some adults, too), meals, and walks to the park.
At home in Vermont, the barrage of decisions we regularly need to make can seem endless and weighty. Now, it's a pleasure for us to choose between our options:
Should we have amazing barbecue for lunch? Or perhaps insanely good fried cheese curds?
Shall we swing at a park we can walk to, or drive to a farther playground? Or shall we simply stay home and bask in the sunshine on the deck while listening to our newly-decided-upon soundtrack of the summer?
Shall we drink beer or soda in the late afternoon sun?
Shall we spend hours on the deck playing cards or Catan?
Shall we bring bacon or fruit to a waffle brunch?
These are the sorts of tough decisions we have to make.
The weekend is achingly beautiful, not only because of the flowers blooming and bees buzzing, but also because we love our friends so damn much. Hanging out with them fills Hartman-shaped holes in our hearts. We miss you, and we love you, and we can't wait to see you again!