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To Roatan!

by Going Slowly

Last fall, Pete & Natasha (the best travel buddies of all time) enthusiastically suggested that we take a break from homesteading and meet them in Roatan, Honduras for a two-week vacation to learn to scuba dive. Even though we knew absolutely nothing about the place or the plan, we said "yes" pretty much immediately.

We were in full-on house-building mode when they asked, and we knew when March rolled around, we'd desperately need a break. Two weeks spent with Pete and Natasha, drinking piƱa coladas, and, as our dear friend Emmy put it, "learning the secrets of scuba"? We had to do it.

Mercifully for us, while we plastered and stained and cleaned and built and built and built, Natasha and Pete did all of the planning. Up to here with decisions to be made regarding the house, it was an immense relief to have someone else taking care of things. Pretty much all we had to do was say, "This all seems great. We trust you—go for it!" and then mail them a check for our portion of the costs.

Now, thanks to them, we're here! In paradise! For two weeks of sun, sand, and scuba. Hell yeah!

Aeropuerto De Roatan Tyler on Tarmac in Roatan Tara at Roatan Airport Taxi to Roatan Guest House Meeting Natasha & Pete in Roatan