Whenever it's time for a new step in the process—another batch of plaster to be mixed, another giant job to be tackled, learning how to do yet another thing we don't know how to do—I have to get myself geared up, like a boxer preparing for another round. And that's when the first part of Salt n'Pepa's "Shoop" pops in my head. Almost all of the song is irrelevant, but I often find myself chanting the first ten words of the rap to myself on repeat.
"Here I go, here I go, here I go again."
Here I go, here I go, here I go again.

The finish plaster on the first floor is done (yay!) but now there is plaster everywhere and on everything and my life will be cleaning plaster for the foreseeable future. If we had been smarter, we would have taken more time to cover the floors and beams, but we did not. (Where we did try to cover things up, the plastic and tape got in the way of our plastering and were generally frustrating to work around. The stuff we were trying to protect got wet anyway, so we ripped the plastic off in fits of fury.)

While we are closer to having a home than ever have been, the finish line feels so very far away and life in the camper is so very old.