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Timber Frame Cottage Frame Raising: The Big Day, Part Three

by Going Slowly

After lunch, we finish raising the last bent and place the two wall plates. Next up, we check to see if the assembly is square. Our first measurement shows we're out by a whopping five inches from corner to corner. At this point, Rick and Charlie take the lead, snapping a chalk line with perfect 90° corners around the building, hoping to make it obvious where things have gone amiss.

Tyler & Greer Reading Timber Frame Plans Jenna Holding King Post for Cottage Timber Frame Tyler Inserting Cottage Timber Frame King Post Rick Plumbing Timber Frame Posts

After a bunch of head scratching and lot of post bashing, we manage to pick up three of the five inches—not perfect, but it'll do! By now, it's nearly 4PM and most of our team has to head out. After several rounds of heartfelt goodbyes, we get back to work, drilling and installing pegs in all the new joints we've assembled. It takes until nightfall, but we manage to finish pegging every joint in the frame.

Tyler Drilling Peg Hole in Cottage Timber Frame Tyler Drilling Peg Hole in Cottage Timber Frame Cottage Timber Frame Raising in Progress Tara Measuring Peg Hole Position in Cottage Timber Frame Tara Measuring Peg Position in Timber Frame Cottage

We did it! Charlie, Rick, Greer, Jenna, Geoff, and Becky, thank you so much for your help!
