It's the last day, and everyone is working like mad to ensure we'll be ready to raise the first bent (or grind, if you're Norwegian)…
Once that task is successfully completed, we drill peg-holes and hammer in the first of our hand-made pegs. Almost everyone takes a shot at driving them home with a gigantic mallet Peter carved for us.
Rick arrives around 5PM, and we're ready to go. It's nerve-wracking to watch the enormous timbers head skyward, and then get lowered slowly into place. When at last they settle successfully onto the ground, I heave a sigh of relief, and we all erupt into cheers!
When the sawdust settles and I step back to gaze at our newly raised grind, looking huge and chunky and amazing, I am awash with awe and emotion and clarity. So this is what we've been building! I think, suddenly fully understanding what we've been working at for the past three and a half months. This incredible three-dimensional arch is the fruit of so many different labors!
I'm moved by its beauty, and by the fact that this is the first part of the first structure of my entire life that is fully and truly mine (well mine and Tyler's). Everyone is gawking at their handiwork right along with me, broad smiles on their faces. It's HUGE! So much bigger than we imagined. The giant bent, standing alone, looks like the entrance to a Flinstones-meets-Vikings-meets-Boyscouts Camp!
After the excitement has settled, Amy takes group photos for us, and then Tyler and I announce that we're treating everyone to supper at our local fast-food joint, the Dairy Barn. We pile into cars, Tyler and I leading the way, and head five minutes into Arlington to celebrate with burgers and ice cream. As we're driving out, we stop at the entrance to the worksite, just to marvel at our progress.
We're this excited about ONE grind. Imagine how it will feel when we get the rest of them up! Kit

Tomorrow begins the first "extra" day of our workshop. Rachel and Adnan have to head home to Texas, but everyone else is staying until at least noon. Thank heavens! Now that we've all gotten the hang of this grindbygging business, maybe we'll get the last three bents up tomorrow?