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Beach Time

by Tara

When Tyler and I were looking to relocate from the land-locked Midwest, we were certain of one thing: if we left, we wanted to be within a few hours of the ocean. This morning, as we drive to Reid State Park for an afternoon on the beach with Mike, Eliza, and our friend Kit, I can't stop grinning. We're here doing exactly what we set out to do! The sun is shining, my hair is blowing in the wind, and we're going to the ocean.

Arriving at the park, we follow grassy, rose-lined paths towards the beach, then clamber over craggy rocks to find the perfect spot to settle. Salty breezes blow our towels as we unfurl them; the sand is warm and sun-drenched. We strip down to our bathing suits, slather on the sunscreen, and then giddily scamper towards the sea.

My soul is full of longing for the secrets of the sea, and the heart of the great ocean sends a thrilling pulse through me.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The water is achingly, numbingly frigid, but oh it feels good, and we're all laughing together as we inch our way deeper into the ocean. Eventually, we're all in, frolicking in the salty sea, paddling and body surfing when a particularly big wave comes along. When we can't take the cold any longer, we retreat to the beach for a long, sandy walk.

Beach-going is hungry work, and soon we're all piled in the car with salty, stringy hair and sand between our toes. We make our way to Five Islands Lobster Company for the quintessential Maine meal of seafood: lobster rolls, fried clams, salmon fish and chips, and fried scallops.

As we sit by the sea, drinking root beer and watching colorful boats bob up and down in the bay, I am completely and utterly happy. I love our friends, and the sun shimmering on the water, and craggy coastline. I love that we live so near the ocean, and I love that we're doing exactly what we dreamed of doing when we moved to New England.
