
Order Tara's Bicycle Touring Cookbook Today!


by Going Slowly

We're taking a rest day in Thakek. While the pictures don't really convey it, this town has a weird, almost haunted air about it. We thought it was all in our heads, until we read our guidebook's entry about the village—the author mentions the same thing! Neither of us can put our finger on what exactly evokes this sensation in us, but this place has a genuinely dark, heavy vibe to it. It feels a bit like a ghost town, except there are people.

Girls Cycling in Thakek Thakek Fruit Stand Sticky Rice Baskets Lao School Girl on Scooter
Previous Entry
Race Against the Sun


I found your website yesterday and it is truely amazing. Just perfect in design and functionality - you must have put a massive amount of time into building it. It's much appreciated.
No new posts since March - are you guys alright?
Posted by Jonas on April 30th, 2011 at 8:31 AM
They are fine! They are in Bangkok finishing their entries of which there are only a couple left and they fly home on Tues :) YAY! We miss them so much!
Posted by Amanda on May 1st, 2011 at 1:51 AM

This message totally made my day--thank you so much for taking a minute to say hello!

We are a-ok (as my sister Amanda mentioned). Our trip "ended" on March 8th with a bus ride to Bangkok. For the last month and some weeks we've been writing like crazy, finishing up the rest of our story (we were about 80 journals behind when we arrived in Thailand).

We fly home on May 3rd--there won't be too many cycling related posts in the near future, but we do have some exciting stuff in the works for the next phase of Going Slowly :D

Posted by Tyler on May 1st, 2011 at 3:13 AM
I am a little bummed out because I found your site so late. Following you along "live" would have been an amazing ride.
Posted by Jonas on May 15th, 2011 at 9:34 AM
We won't be writing a ton about bicycle touring in the coming years, but we will be documenting some new adventures! We hope to purchase some land in the next year, and once we've done that, we'll be writing about living out of a tent, building a strawbale/cob/alternative house, homesteading etc.

If that sounds interesting to you, stay tuned--the live writing isn't over yet :)
Posted by Tyler on May 16th, 2011 at 4:45 AM