
Order Tara's Bicycle Touring Cookbook Today!


by Tara

Today was one of those days when the weather was so manic it was almost baffling. One moment it was sunny, and we were happily riding through quaint small towns…

Zum Alten Rathaus Apotheke

(…while eating really delicious cake from the only shop open on a Sunday. Oh no, it looks like we'll have to subsist on pastries!)

German Cakes

…and the next, clouds would roll in and pour out gigantic drops of rain the likes of which we have never experienced. We've dealt with a lot of rain on this trip, but today's was of a special breed. Within seconds, our normally dry shoes were waterlogged, and every inch of us not covered by our raincoats was absolutely soaking wet, wetter than this and this and this. We may as well have been swimming. Or in a car wash. Or both, at the same time.

Manic Skies, Blowing Wheat

But it was okay, because we were also assaulted with headwinds so strong that we were completely dry within a half an hour.

Just in time for the next batch of rain.

Leutershausen, Germany

Sigh. Europe, are you about done? This rain business is  r e a l l y  sarting to wear us down.

Leutershausen, Germany

Oh and there were hills! As is usually the case lately, the end of our ride was the worst, and we felt like we'd never actually make it to our destination of Rothenburg. The last ten kilometers took us well over an hour to complete, as we were buffeted about by wind and rain, grinding up hills at an agonizingly slow pace.

Road to Rothenburg ob de Tauber

But we made it! We debated getting a campsite, but decided we wanted to be inside, protected from the miserable freaking weather by solid walls. It was a good thing, too, because as soon as we settled in Gastehaus Raidel, another dreching rain came pouring down. Thanks to the generous donation from my college friend, Clelie, and her parents, Robert and Monica, we spent a wonderful night indoors, warm and dry. Thank you so much, Steckel family!

The sun came out for like five seconds and I ran to snap this photo of our view.

View from our Pension

As soon as we were sure the rain would be gone for at least a little while, we ventured outside to see the city. Rothenburg is very touristy.

Lots of Tourists

Rightfully so. The place is amazing—a truly preserved old city, with picture-perfect shops and gingerbread gables. I cannot imagine how awesome this town would be over Christmas!

Hotel / Cafe Reichsküchenmeister

This is the town hall, or 'rathaus.'

Rothenburg by Night

The sky was actually that color blue. Crazy!

Tara in Rothenburg Rothenburg Water Fountain Rothenburg by Night Tara in Rothenburg

Hopefully this 'dry spell' will last so we can explore more of Rothenburg tomorrow!



Hey! I have been reading about your adventure as a book substitute while visiting Europe this past month, and I just had to post on rothenburg! My husband and I lived in Germany for a few years and visited rothenburg several times (one of our favorite towns!) we also went once at Christmas and it was fantastic, snow covered streets, Christmas lights and gluwine (hot spiced wine) stands, truly fairy tale-esq. It was before we had kids, just our boxer puppy mojave, in a cute sweater. Your entry brought it all back, had to share! Thanks for documenting your trip, can't wait to read the rest, you guys are/have done everything we want to be doing in a few years- cycle touring and homesteading!
Posted by Kristin Brito on July 3rd, 2014 at 4:36 PM
Hey Kristin!

Thanks for taking a minute to say hello--it's so fun to hear that you're enjoying our journal. Rothenburg at Christmas sounds every bit as awesome as I imagined! Best of luck with your homesteading and cycle touring plans :)
Posted by Tyler on July 6th, 2014 at 10:32 PM