Since today was our day off, I decided to make some jam with an unfortunate batch of fruit: two mealy oranges and three mushy, tasteless prune plums.
First I peeled the oranges (roughly, with a knife) and chopped them into pieces along with the plums. I put the whole mess into a saucepan (there weren't very many seeds, but I picked out a few) and poured what sugar we had left over the fruit (I'm guessing about a quarter or a half a cup? A little more would have been nice, but we make do with what we've got). I added half a lemon's worth of juice, a tiny sprinkling of cinnamon, and a dash of salt.

I lit up our WhisperLite and set the pan on top; as the fruit cooked down I stirred it often so it wouldn't burn. That's really all there was to it! Of course the pan slid off the burner and I lost half of the fruit, but it still made plenty of yummy jam. The bees loved it too :-)

While I was cooking I got to admire the views from our deserted campsite…
…and listen to this bug-eyed kitten that has been wandering around meowing up a storm.

Tyler spent most of the afternoon working on our bikes. He replaced our front brakes and mounted new front wheels with the spares we've been carrying (this, unfortunately, required a lot of fussing with the fenders). We now have Marthon XRs all around! Hopefully they are as good as everyone says they are and we never have to deal with a flat again (it can't hurt to hope!).