
Order Tara's Bicycle Touring Cookbook Today!


by Tyler

Before planning this journey a year seemed like a long time. It isn't. As the days and months fly by I have really come to realize what a short time we have here (on earth). There is so much that I want to do, so much I want to learn and so much I want to experience that I am honestly overwhelmed by the notion of life itself.

there have been many occasions where I wanted to implode into myself like a dying star from the workload. Knowing what I have to look forward to has really helped.

With 20 days to go and the rapid passing of time at the forefront of my awareness I find myself incredibly thankful that we purchased our tickets so many months ago. Without a date set in stone it would be far too easy to put things off for "just one more month" over and over and over again.

Wrapping the numerous outstanding projects with my business has been incredibly stressful. I am a very driven person but there have been many occasions where I wanted to implode into myself like a dying star from the workload. Knowing what I have to look forward to has really helped.

With our lives refocusing into an even longer view Tara and I have been talking about what we want to do when we return. We spent some time looking at land in North Carolina online for fun and talked a bit about what we'd do to save up for our next adventure. We'll have plenty of time to decide what comes next and I have no doubt the years we spend preparing (maybe to be homesteaders!) will fly by just as quickly as the rest.

In Years Past and Future
2010 - Miwa & Sergei


I don't know whether you are aware of my feeling toward this trip, but they have been very leary. You are taking my little girl away from us for a long time and in this stage of our lives we may never be here to see either one of you again, this frightens me, but now that I have seen you both again and read how hard you have worked for this to happen, I'm feeling much better. GP has always been almost as excited as you two about the trip, but being me and how I feel about everything that is different, I only had fear, but now I think that you two have convinced me that it isn't a lark, it's what you want, and I ONLY HOPE AND PRAY it is all that you do want. One day I hope to see you married and settled but MAYBE that day will come. I love you both. GM --- 3/15/09
Posted by The Mathman on March 15th, 2009 at 7:05 AM
We will settle down together somewhere when we're done, I promise :)

I'm really glad we had a chance to talk while we were in IL, everything will be okay!

All my love,
Posted by Tyler on March 18th, 2009 at 4:21 PM