
Order Tara's Bicycle Touring Cookbook Today!

Making a Fire in a -3°F Snowstorm

by Tara

…is ridiculously difficult, apparently. Tyler and I bundled up for another fire-making adventure- this time, on a snowy, -3 degree ("feels like -27") evening. Despite our best efforts, we were largely unsuccessful. I got a little tinder lit using our fire steel, but we were lacking a good supply of small twigs. Somehow everything we found was still a little green and refused to light. With the help of some alcohol, and then some gasoline, we managed to briefly sustain a teensy fire, but overall, if this was the Oregon Trail or something, we'd be dead: Game Over. It was a really good learning experience, though! We have a lot to learn about winter fire-making…not that we'll really need it on our trip or anything, but it sure is fun!

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yo sounds like you are having fun! i just read the other post about the garden on the bike idea which is dope, but seems a little difficult...
Posted by lian on December 14th, 2008 at 11:51 PM
I've visited your site a number of times, but I wish there was some contact information or a picture of who was running the site. Does this information exist? Or do I just keep missing it? I never know who exactly this site is run by. Knowing sure would be nice! :)
Posted by Darren Alff - on December 16th, 2008 at 12:12 AM
What next? GM
Posted by Don Cohen-The Mathman on December 16th, 2008 at 5:58 AM
Hiya Darren!

We definitely need to get a contact page up and running, thanks for the prompt!

I will ask Tara to draw up some art for a contact link and we'll take care of that by the end of the week :)

The intro on the home page mentions who we are and there are plenty of pictures on our photo page if you want to look around :)

Tyler & Tara
Posted by Tyler on December 17th, 2008 at 1:22 AM