After everyone left yesterday, I had a panicky feeling in my stomach about all that we had left to do. The king posts needed to be installed, as did the ridge beam and the rafters. How on earth would we be able to do this by ourselves? I was re-living the dread I felt after the participants left our timber framing workshop last summer.
And so, when we got up to work bright and early this morning, I was bracing myself for a long, drawn-out ordeal. Surprisingly, it was nothing of the sort. Almost. After a briefly terrifying (see photo below), precarious, and totally inadvisable ridge-beam raising, it was smooth sailing.

In a matter of hours we'd raised all three king posts, both ridge beam sections, and several rafters.

After Tyler finished working for the day, we returned to the site and spent another several hours working on the frame, securing the rafters in place with 8" TimberLok screws. I am completely blown away by how easy this has been. If the rest of the process goes as swimmingly, we'll have a home before we know it!