
Order Tara's Bicycle Touring Cookbook Today!

What We're Up To

by Tara

We're in Minnesota again! Our last days in Vermont this winter were busy, a whirlwind of cleaning and packing and readying our camper for two months without human inhabitants. The day before we left, we were treated with a snowstorm which deposited five inches of fluff onto our land. It seemed fitting, and we relished the beauty around us we prepared to leave.

Sunset Over Green MountainsSunset Over Green Mountains

The morning of our departure, a brilliantly sunny day that would bring 50°F weather to southern Vermont, we headed across the street to our neighbor's house. There, Jeremy (Hercilia was in Argentina) treated us to a delicious farewell pancake breakfast. It was wonderful. We weren't in a hurry to leave, and instead took our time, lazily digesting while chatting about photography. Eventually, we parted ways and hit the road, stopping to say goodbye to Jenna and Tom before finally taking to the highway.

After a 22 hours in our truck, we landed at Jodi's house and hit the ground running with the next phase of our homesteading plans. Tyler has been programming like crazy to pay for our projects, and I've been spending my days sequestered in the basement (or "the salt mines" as Jodi calls them), finishing a project I began before we rushed out to Vermont: sanding and staining the beams for the timber frame we cut last summer.

Additionally, I'm putting the final touches on my cookbook, and will very soon be contacting printing companies about publishing it. Finally, amidst all of this activity, we have an even bigger project cooked up, which Tyler will share in his next journal entry!

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I'm excited for your cookbook! And can't wait to hear what your next big project is. Meanwhile, enjoy the saltmines! :)
Posted by sarah on March 25th, 2013 at 2:21 PM
The stained beams are looking really nice! Good luck for the rest of them!
Posted by Dietrich on March 26th, 2013 at 10:18 AM
Can't wait to hear what's next!!! :)
Posted by ashley on March 26th, 2013 at 9:44 PM
Sarah - Thanks! I am so close to being done! Today in the saltmines, I have three more posts to sand, and then it's on to the rafters. :-)

Dietrich - Thank you!

Ashley - I think it'll be pretty exciting. Now Tyler just needs to write that journal entry!
Posted by Tara on March 27th, 2013 at 9:17 AM
Nice visiting your website after a long break. T&T, pl send me ur email id. I want to send you a presentation about a proposed eco-community that I & a few friends plan to set up in India.
Posted by Meher on March 27th, 2013 at 10:35 PM