It's Friday afternoon and school's out! We've just given our presentation to 150 or so high schoolers, and it went really well. We were both a little nervous at first, but when kids began filing in in the auditorium, our jitters were replaced with excitement. We started off with our 2-years-in-5-minutes slideshow (the kissing picture received a chorus of "awwwwwww"s).
Then, we gave a talk about how we approached setting big goals and achieving them on our bicycle tour. To finish, Tara read a journal entry aloud while Tyler showed the photos from that day, and then we answered boatloads of questions. One of which was "what was the strangest thing you ate?". When Tyler responded by telling them about our dog stew and deep-fried rat experience in Laos, he showed the pictures too. All the kids roared and groaned in disgust. It was awesome!
Afterwards, many of the students came up to thank us. Some even wanted their photos taken with us! What a fun and gratifying end to our second speaking engagement. Thanks for having us, Edgewood High School!

A big thank you to Wade (the teacher who invited us) and his wife Chris, who generously offered us a bed and a great meal the night before our presentation. It was wonderful to spend time with you! And you, too, Fillipo (their Italian foreign exchange student)! Hopefully our paths will cross again soon.