When Will came over to talk with us us about spray foam insulation, he suggested we use the space in our eaves for some kind of nook, since they wouldn't be completely stuffed with the blown cellulose we had originally planned to fill them with. His idea was simultaneously brilliant and horrible. Brilliant, because we could use space for storage! And horrible, because it would mean yet another thing on our to-do list before we could plaster the interior of our cottage.
With a sigh, we started yet another project, leaping in head-first with a sawzall.

After Tyler cut the holes, I inserted bracing and plywood as best as I could to create nooks, then lined them with tar paper and plaster lath. This sounds very straight-forward, but it was pretty mind-bending thanks to my being a novice at all of this. All of the intersecting angles required a higher level of spacial relation skills than I currently possess. But it worked out pretty well, I'd say. Now we have two great nooks for books!