So, our dear friends were a wee bit modest in the journal entry they were kind enough to write for us. First of all, they really did drive sixteen hours through the night with a SIX MONTH OLD BABY to come see us. Damn. And then, as if that wasn't awesome enough, they helped out on our house like crazy. Dan alluded to it, but what he did not say is that he and Tyler finished baling the first floor of the house!
They were amazing. And adorable. And they worked so hard. I love seeing those two hang out—they are so different (one very short and one very tall) and yet so very much the same (equally dorky and awesome!)
While the guys baled and felled trees, Julia and I (and little man, Amos), relaxed. We went shopping for souvenirs and baby clothes and adult clothes, and talked and generally hung out. I cannot even explain how wonderful it was to not only spend time with my dear friend, Julia, but also to not be face-first in scratchy, sneeze-and-rash-inducing straw bales. Wrapping my arms around baby Amos was so much nicer!
Dan and Julia (and Amos!), we are SO glad you came to visit, and SO thankful for all of your help! WE LOVE YOU, and we miss you like crazy!