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A Picnic Table!

by Tara

During the second half of June, our calendar is jam-packed: we're looking forward to not one, not two, but three sets of friends visiting from out of state. In celebration of "guest season," I decided it was high time we had a picnic table. See, our land is beautiful, but there's nowhere to hang out comfortably, especially with guests. The camper is too small, and it's difficult to relax outside sans porch or any outdoor furniture.

So, I decided to build a table in preparation for our visitors. After finding a great set of picnic table plans on Ana White’s website, I headed down to our local lumber yard to buy materials. The wood (after I returned a few pounds of nails we didn’t end up needing) cost all of sixteen dollars. We already had screws, and all the necessary tools. We also already had the stain I wanted to use (my favorite, Black Walnut Danish Oil).

We even had a workshop that I could use AS A WORKSHOP for the first time ever. It was awesome. First, I sanded the lumber, and then, I cut all the pieces to length according to Ana's instructions. Finally, I stained them. I did all of this while it was raining—the novelty of being able to do something productive in bad weather still hasn't worn off!

Once the boards were dry, I assembled them. Compared to say, building a house or raising a Viking timber frame workshop the whole process was pretty easy. And the pieces were all so small!

Tara Building a Picnic Table Tara Building a Picnic Table Tara Building a Picnic Table

Voila! We have a picnic table!

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It maybe sound like an overeaction, but the final table is simply incredible. I was reading along when I ended up seeing the actual pictures of the table and it blew my mind. i'm a little aware of how much an actual table would cost but this one is so damn good that buying one sound like stupid! :P
You're good with tools (Probably because of past experience? Haha!)!

Thanks for the link! We'll build one as soon as the «scaled-down» deck is over.
Posted by Anaïs & Carl on July 7th, 2014 at 11:44 AM
The table looks fantastic!
Posted by Christine on July 8th, 2014 at 12:32 PM
Thanks so much, you guys!

Carl, your enthusiasm about my picnic table makes me really happy. :-)
Posted by Tara on July 16th, 2014 at 10:28 PM
Holy shit, you're a fucking legend!
Posted by Katherine on September 29th, 2014 at 8:41 AM
Calendar for the June Month 2018 Year will also help us a lot.
Posted by Jonny Martin on May 8th, 2018 at 1:55 AM