This morning, we wake our guests with bacon and cheesy scrambled eggs, rich apple-cheddar scones and mugs of recently pressed apple cider. "Is this real? Jahnavi asks, her bleary eyes coming into focus, finding a feast of epic proportions set before her. "I feel like I'm on some other, more awesome planet!" I just smile and bid her and Addison eat their fill.
Once Jahnavi and Addison are stuffed, we load their things into the bed of our truck, and all pile inside, headed first to our land for a quick tour, and then on to Saratoga Springs. As we're motoring along the bumpy road that leads us home, Jahnavi shares her secret fear: "I keep thinking you're going to say "SIKE! HAHA, suckers, just kidding! You better get pedaling!" We laugh, and reassure her that we really, truly are going to drive them to their destination.
But first, we arrive at our homestead, which is as lovely as I've ever seen it, with sunlight filtering through our trees. After a brief tour of the grindbygg and our house site, they serenade us with a few more tunes, including one of my all-time favorites: Boots of Spanish Leather.
After our delightful outdoor concert, we do the obligatory group shot…

…and hit the road.

Addison and Jahnavi,
It was a joy to meet you both, and your sweet little dog, Zoso, too! May your adventure be filled with love and laughter, and may the right people show up to help you, just when you need them. May you have cool, sunny days and warm winds at your back. May you have many challenges that force you to grow, but not enough to break your spirits. Take care of one another. Eat lots of food, drink plenty of water, and remember to go slowly.
Much love,
T & T