While Tara and I were at Home Depot this evening, a little bunny popped out of some corrugated pipe we were buying. Both we and the little fluff-ball sat totally frozen, staring at one another for a good twenty seconds before it tore off down the aisles, slipping and sliding more than hopping. I gave chase, and managed to catch it just before it darted under a towering rack of insulation.

...and then we had to figure out what we were going to do with the little cutie. We thought about putting it back outside, but with a cold night and storms in the forecast, we decided we ought to bring it home. Then, a super friendly employee by the name of Paul (who we speak with every time we go to Home Depot), rustled up a makeshift cage and declared the bunny ours, free of charge.

The next day, we tried to pawn him off on our friend Jenna, who raises meat rabbits. She declined, as apparently mixing wild rabbits and meat rabbits isn't generally a good plan. After a bit of research we learned that a bunny of this size ought to be able to fend for itself. So, after spending a night in our camper, feasting on spinach and grasses, we set the little hopper free.
At first he or she didn't seem eager to leave Tara's hands, but, after a minute or two it hopped into the undergrowth and disappeared from our lives as quickly as it had arrived.

Godspeed, little hopper!