Pleasantly full from dinner, and feeling joyful about our unexpected visitors, we come home to our hotel room with a renewed sense of peace. At last, it's late enough for our families to be awake (we're twelve hours apart). Now we can call them on Skype to wish them a Merry Christmas!
What follows is a wonderful few hours of chatting, capped off by a long video chat with Tyler's little brothers and sisters. Our connection isn't the best, and everyone looks a bit grainy, but it does us worlds of good to see everyone's faces.
There's Esther being cute and mischievious, Isaac with his shaggy, blond surfer-dude hair, a face of freckles, and a new pair of glasses that makes him look like Harry Potter. Gabe is getting more brainy and talkative every time we see him, and Vivian glows with creativity and vivacity as always.

When we're through talking, it's time for the best part of our Christmas in 2010. As our faces grow all red and puffy, the occasional tear slipping down our cheeks, they sing to us. Like the Grinch's expanding heart, ours are practically bursting with love. If we could, we'd squeeze these guys and never let go.
To our friends and loved ones, and to everyone who reads our journal, we are so grateful for your continued support. May you be blessed with peace, health, and happiness, this year and always. Love, T&T.