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Waiting for Wheels

by Tyler

While we wait for our new rear wheels to arrive, we've spent a little more time exploring the Kerkennah Islands. They aren't big. To provide some variety from working every day at the local cafe, we visited the sleepy resort town of Sidi Fredj to hang out in the Grand Hotel lobby.

Grand Hotel Lobby Grand Hotel Terrace Grand Hotel Tiki Bar

The free wi-fi allowed us to get some work done, but the prices of our obligatory beverages were triple what they cost at our cafe. We probably won't be returning any time soon. Even so, it was a nice change of pace!

Grand Hotel Lobby

Here are some photos of the beach around our hostel; Kerkennah really is a sleepy paradise. We both have a hard time believing it is actually December.

Lonely Beach Beach at Dusk Kerkennah Dusk

Here is our cat for the day!

Cat under Truck