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Scooters of Kerkennah

by Going Slowly

The preferred mode of transportation on Kerkennah appears to be a rusty scooter. They are parked in disorganized clusters at every home and place of business on the island, most especially the many repair shops. We pass men every day working on their disassembled steeds and interestingly, many of the scooters on the road are barely assembled at all. Plastic housings and protective covers are discarded regularly in favor of the chic "wires hanging everywhere" look.

Every man, woman and (male) child here seems to have their own. We see them practicing their wheelie and push-starting skills everywhere! There must be thousands of these rickety, rusty machines on Kerkennah. Here are just a few:

Kerkennah Scooter Kerkennah Scooter Kerkennah Scooter Kerkennah Scooter Kerkennah Scooter Kerkennah Scooter Kerkennah Scooter