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Libyan Visa for Americans

by Tyler

The Libyan Embassy has been stringing us along for two weeks. Each time we visit, they tell us to return in increasingly shorter time frames, saying everything is fine and that our visas will be ready soon. First it was five days, then three or four, then two or three. Today, they assured us everything would be ready tomorrow.

Neither of us has high hopes. We've read repeatedly that American visa requests just disappear into the system, never being approved or denied. Though we have zero experience with this process, the aforementioned scenario seems distinctly accurate based on what little we know.

Having now learned a lot about Libya, we're both feeling very discouraged that the massive and fascinating country has, in all likelihood, become a huge barrier before us rather than our pathway to the Egyptian pyramids. Tara and I talked it over and decided we'll wait one more day before we start our tour of Tunisia. Carla has company this weekend so we are heading into Tunis to spend the night at a hotel before our final visit to the embassy tomorrow morning.

Hotel du Parc Reception Hotel du Parc Bellhop Tara Goofing Around Tara Goofing Around Tara at the Hotel du Parc