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Working in Berlin

by Tara

Today, we spent some time designing a new website for our road trip. It is going really well! As was the case when we made Going Slowly, there were some frustrating bits where we stared at the screen cringing. It's especially difficult for me, because I know how I want the stuff to look, but I don't have the technical knowledge to know what is feasible and what isn't.

Bridging our talents is always a fun experience, especially once the project makes it past the initial "why can't we make it look how I want it to look!?" phase.

When we were done working on our new website, Tyler got back to work migrating all of our stuff out of blogger into our GSDB, or Going Slowly Database. We pronounce it GeeEsDeeBEE, as in, hey honey, did you put the expenses into the gsdBEE yet? Anyway, once that is done, it will be hosted on our new server, using our own journal code.

I don't really understand the significance of this yet, but Tyler has been working very, very hard on this for the past two days (like, 16 hour stretches through the evening, night and morning with no sleep). While he was doing that, I got to work drawing art for our upcoming project.

Our work day was spent at a great little restaurant called Tiramisus, run by a friendly woman with her adorable, well mannered, three week old baby in tow. She opened the restaurant three months ago, had the baby three weeks ago, and made a delicious vanilla tiramisu from scratch this morning, which we enjoyed a slice of! Wow. I hope if we have kids someday I will be equally radiant and productive.

When we were done working —"done" meaning our brains were fried and there was still a mountain of things left to do —we stumbled out of the place like zombies and went off in search of food a little more down to earth than the delicious but pricey paella we enjoyed for lunch.

It being Sunday, most places were closed, but we found "Lennie's Grillhaus" and settled for some doner kebabs. We've had kebabs of all sorts on our trip so far, but our friend Tony tells us that Doner Kebabs were first made in Berlin by Turkish immigrants!

So here is our tasty, traditional German food:

Doner KebapDoner Kebap