We spent most of the day distractedly working on journals and programming projects. It's a bit difficult to focus when you have a hilarious, heart-breakingly adorable child speaking cute, unintelligible (to us, anyway) Swedish at you, and vying for attention by leaping up on the couch where you're sitting for a snuggle.
Talking about life, literature, and electronics with his sweet parents doesn't help with forward progress much either. To be clear, none of this is a complaint, it was a thoroughly enjoyable and busy day!

This guy (their 4 month old son, Edvin) had a jam-packed day too. Finger chewing, eating, sleeping, and lots of testing out new sound effects:

Once we had made some progress on our entries (at one point, Matias looked over at us and declared that we were a "pair of geeks", sitting in front of our laptops, fervently typing away), we gathered around the dinner table for a simple meal of meat and potato soup, traditional Finnish fare.
Once we'd eaten our fill, and everyone dispersed for the night, we retired to our "guest-house". We felt a bit like our vagabonding friends, Mike and Katherine. It's fun to have a taste of caravan living!