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Peaceful in the Rain

by Tyler

We had a really nice ride today, the first half of which was beautiful and the second half of which was equally beautiful with the addition of misty landscapes and pouring rain. Neither of us paid any mind to the downpour, cheerfully cycling along as car after car whizzed by, spraying us with water. The wetter I got (bottom half that is, our rain jackets rule!) the less I cared. It was a nice change of perspective to ride peacefully in the rain rather than cursing it for 'ruining' the day. I'm not quite sure why I didn't take up that point of view from the start of the trip ;) (or if I'll be able to maintain it on future rainy days).

Here is a photo of a cool old house Tara liked:

Nifty Old HouseNifty Old House

Deviating from our standard journalling format out of boredom here are a few snippets from camp today:

4:00 PM

I am currently sitting on my walkstool in a tin shed full of brochures (and refrigerators!) at a campsite just outside Glastonbury. Tara and I have just set up our tent in the pouring rain. She is settling in across the field while I enjoy one of my favorite pasttimes, 'stealing' power from an unmonitored outlet. I have a bit of programming to do for a client and then I will join her for a generous dinner of macaroni and cheese.

Macaroni & CheeseMacaroni & Cheese

6:00 PM

I am now sitting in the tent with Tara enjoying hot water with lemon and honey. The rain has died down and the sun is starting to burn through the clouds a bit. We're both listening to the calvalcade of nature sounds outside our tent and cracking up at a random crow who occasionally breaks into the beautiful soundscape to scream one annoying "CaaaawwwWWWWW" only to go silent for another few minutes before repeating him or herself. Our 'favorite' stupid bird continues to fill in the backdrop of pretty songbirds with it's incessant wheezing "Wuhn-whooooh-hoo-hnnnn, Wuhn-whooooh-hoo-hnn". It is really stunning how much is constantly going on around us that we pay no mind of.

I need to get a field recorder.

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Is the stupid sounding bird a collared dove maybe? There's a sound clip on here:
Posted by LMHR on May 15th, 2009 at 11:44 AM
That isn't it but we followed some links from that page and found the stupid thing.

Now that we know what it is it'll be fun to yell at it by name to shut up :)

Here is our friend, the Woodpigeon:
Posted by Tyler on May 15th, 2009 at 3:54 PM
great post! i love the play by play of the day.

also some of the pics of you all in the tent etc.

also there is afunny huge ad for mac and cheese on the side of the blog now... hehe
Posted by lian on May 15th, 2009 at 11:54 PM
Ah yes, like a collared dove that smokes 40 a day.
Posted by LMHR on May 16th, 2009 at 6:05 AM