After a restless night's sleep (some poor kid cried all night long and one of our neighbors snored very loudly) we got up with the intention of leaving as soon as possible. I packed up camp while Tyler took a shower, then prepared some peanut butter and honey sandwiches for our breakfast. We practiced Arnis for a little while, once again drawing a crowd of children. After answering a barrage of questions, we cycled off, heading southeast in the general direction of Sheffield.
In the morning we rode through some beautiful places, and I was excited to cycle through the area where the Bronte sisters lived. Early in the afternoon our route started taking us from city to city without much open land between. The plan had been to leave our campground and cycle for a bit until we found a nice village with a pub where we could stop to have lunch. There we would charge our laptop and do some route planning. No such village or pub appeared all day.
When we gave up on finding a place in a small village we decided to head to the city of Halifax. On the way in our sort-of-busy-but-manageable A-road turned into a sea of roundabouts and highways full of zooming traffic. We wound up on a round-about that spit us out at a small shopping center with a very large Pizza Hut restaurant. It may not have been a quaint little pub, but we were both actually really excited about the prospect of eating a greasy pizza! We locked our bikes outside, found a table with a window where we could keep an eye on them, and set about charging our electronics while we waited for our large pepperoni pizza to arrive. We answered some emails, did route planning, caught up with the world and scarfed down a large pizza without even trying.
With full stomachs and a new sense of direction we made it off the main roads (sort of) only to begin a long slow push up a very steep hill. We've encountered lots of big hills lately, but they don't really faze us anymore. We bike what we can and push the rest without thinking much of it. We are getting a lot stronger so we don't have to stop as often, and we recover much, much more quickly than we used to.
After a few miles we found ourselves on yet another busy road and it was time to begin our search for a campsite. The prospects of finding one nearby weren't looking too favorable. We were making a game plan of what to do when a young couple biked by and asked if we needed help. SO friendly and bubbly, they directed us to a bike path (a REAL bike path), through Huddersfield, to a town called Holmfirth where we were sure to find a campground.

Thankful to be on our cycle path among the trees, safe from cars and miles of concrete, we cycled to Huddersfield where our path abruptly stopped. We biked into the city itself and picked up a couple things to eat. Both Tyler and I had "bad vibes" about stopping for too long in this city, so we quickly got moving towards Holmfirth.
It seemed doubtful (after just having biked through so much city) that there would be enough open land somewhere nearby for a campsite. Sure enough though, right before we arrived in Holmfirth we found the perfect place to sleep. Tyler was just reassuring me (I was getting tired and very anxious), when there was a sign for a campground! I don't know why I ever worry, because (Tyler is right that) we always, always find our way to somewhere comfortable to sleep.
We cycled into the Holme Valley Camping & Caravan Park where, apparently, some episodes of "Last of the Summer Wine" was filmed. It was completely wooded with a lake for fishing and a river to walk along. The staff was really friendly, and told us we would be able to camp in the "quiet" section, right by the river.
As we were setting up camp, two teenage boys came floating down the river in what looked like the bottom half of a giant gallon of milk. One boy was inside of it rowing, and the other boy was wading in the river alongside of the huge plastic thing, trying to scoot it over the rocks. I was instantly gratified by these boys' creativity, resourcefulness, and sense of adventure, and Tyler and I laughed and laughed as they passed. We shouted down to them: "What IS that thing?" and they immediately replied "a boat!" "Good luck!" we yelled back.
What a wonderful ending to another day of adventures!